To book an appointment, please read the following and click the button below to request a time.
For same day appointments or any specialized assessments, please call us at 905-335-6100.
Specialized services include assessments for concussion, vestibular rehabilitation, pelvic health conditions, MVA (car accident), or WSIB injuries. For other areas of concern, please leave us a brief note indicating the area of the body you would like to focus on when confirming your requested appointment time. If you have visited our clinic before, please select “existing client” when creating your login information.
Please note, we request that clients attending in-clinic sessions screen negative on the COVID-19 screening questions to maximize safety for everyone attending the clinic.
You may view the screening questions here:
If you are recommended to stay home, please do not attend in-clinic sessions. You may choose virtual sessions or defer your visit until you are cleared for in-clinic care.
Please call (905-335-6100) or text (647-370-8843) us for same day changes to your appointment.
We look forward to seeing you!
By clicking the button below, you acknowledge you have read the above information, currently screen negative for COVID-19, and would like to request an appointment online.